Lesson #44: Money Management

Talk about being smart with money: There are several verses in the bible that indicate that we should be smart with our money.

Read 1 Timothy 6:10: When it comes to money, this should be one of the primary biblical concepts that we should keep in mind. ‘Having’ money is not the issue. Loving money is the real issue.

Ask about loving money: Why is loving money an issue? In some translations, money is the root of all kinds of evil. The Bible is basically comparing the love of money to a gateway drug. It is indicating that the love of money can lead us to loving and living for other evils in this world rather than living for God.

Talk about the other evils: What are some other evils that this verse is referring to?

Read Galatians 5: 19-21: These are some of the many evils that may overcome you after being consumed by the love of money.

Ask about money in the Bible: What does the Bible say about money and what to do with it?

Put your worries and faith in God (Read Matthew 6: 25-34). This does not mean that you should not be mindful or not care about how little or how much you have. You should always work hard and you should always be mindful of how much you have because laziness and a lack of awareness is foolish (Read Proverbs 6: 9-11).

Ask about putting our worries on God: What does it look like to put our worries about money on God?…It means that we should trust God that he will provide what we need, even if it means that it is in God’s will for you to struggle financially so that you may learn and grow (Read Proverbs 5: 1-11). With God, our sufferings may bring us closer to and more dependent on him.

Earn money honestly (Read Proverbs 13:11)

Ask about earning money foolishly: What are some ways that we can earn money foolishly or dishonestly?…Claiming more on your taxes, stealing, lying to a friend to get money from them.

Gather and save little by little (Also from Proverbs 13:11). Obviously, money will grow when we accumulate it little by little. If we take it even further, God appears to imply that we should have consistent income to save up.

Save up and be smart about it (Read Luke 14:28): Organizing and planning ahead is so important. In this passage, Jesus is referring to the cost of being a disciple. As a disciple, there should be a well executed plan. Without counting the costs of committing fully to God, you may turn away and abandon your faith. If we take this scripture literally, it is still a good lesson on planning ahead. If we put money in building a house without factoring every part of it, our budget may be short and we might have to abandon the project before it is finished.

Ask about saving: What potential future investments will need much saving for?

Honor God with your wealth (Proverbs 3:9): God asks us to give back to Him since He has provided our wealth to us. It shares in the scriptures that we must give him our firstfruits.

Ask about firstfruits: What does it mean to give God our firstfruits?…Firstfruits refers to the practice of giving God the first and best portion of the harvest. People gave to God first out of obedience and it helped to manage their greed, helped them manage God’s resources properly, and helped open them up to receive God’s special blessings. Some people report that this means the first 10%. Others may tithe on the day after they receive their income since it seems to relate to a current form of firstfruits.

Talk about firstfruits: If you were to give God your firstfruits, what would it look like?

If possible, avoid debt (Romans 13:8). If the Bible recommends to “let no debt remain outstanding” or “owe no one anything”, there is a strong chance that this is referring to money. Even though it does not appear that being in debt is a sin, it is strongly discouraged. This includes taking out loans and leases. Even though we may appear to have the funds and adequate preparation to take a loan out for something, it is still discouraged in the Bible.

Ask about debt: Why does the Bible not recommend being in debt?

Don’t get sucked up into the gaping black hole of consumerism. It’s not worth it. (Matthew 6:19-21) I get it. It is tempting to spend money on nice things. New electronics and all the latest games and clothes. It feels nice in the moment, right. It isn’t as worth it as you think. First of all, what you think is important and necessary now may appear useless some years from now. Also, guess how much of it you can take after you are deceased? As you probably know, none of it will come with you after you leave this earth. The Bible says we should instead build up treasures in heaven. What are these treasures in heaven that the Bible is referring to?…Treasures in heaven may be the product of faithfully enduring persecution, loving your enemies, praying in private, serving the Lord and his people, when God encourages you to do something outside your comfort zone such as giving to the needy. Heavenly treasures are beyond “stuff”. You are eternally rewarded from God for doing his work. The reward is that He is pleased with you.

Ask about other verses about money: Are there any other verses about money that you can think of?

Talk about money being God’s: Ultimately, the money we have is not ours. It may be in our possession at any given moment, but it can leave us as fast as it comes.

Read Hebrews 13:5:  If not anything else, remember this: 1) Be content with what you have, 2) God will never leave us, 3) The love of money can lead us to living for the world and its desires, and 4) Be smart with your money.

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